Chronic Intractable Illnesses And Chinese Medicine

As a physician, I have seen so many patients suffer from Chronic illnesses for which there is no effective specific treatment with Conventional medicine. For some of these conditions, there is no clearly identifiable causes with conventional medicine, such as Fibromyalgia or Irritable Bowel Syndrome. For others, there is no effective specific treatment even though the cause of the condition is known, such as Seasonal Flu, Common Cold and non-healing wound.

Fortunately, there are treatments from Chinese medicine for these conditions. Chinese Medicine has been practiced for thousands of years before any modern diagnostic studies available. So, ancient Chinese Medicine physician had to diagnose and treat most of the human illnesses without any modern diagnostic testing. They developed their own system of diagnostic, therapeutic approaches and skills over thousands of years out of necessity. Chinese Medicine has been practiced from generations to generations in China, Korea, Japan, Singapore and other Asian countries. It also has become a vibrant component of health care system from Sidney, to Seattle to Stockholm. It is international now.

With Chinese Medicine, the treatment for each patient may be different based on the cause of the condition for that individual person even for a similar condition. For example, a mother and a daughter both have migraine headache, but the treatment for them may be completely different since the causes for their migraine headache are entirely different. That is what we call Personalized Medicine. With attentive listening , thorough evaluation, and personalized treatment, the most of the so called “intractable” chronic disease get better and the patients well. Our goal is treating the root of the condition and get rid of your symptoms for good, not covering up your symptoms temporarily.