Chronic Diarrhea

What is Chronic Diarrhea? Diarrhea that lasts for more than 2-4 weeks is considered chronic. There are many signs and symptoms associated with chronic diarrhea, such as abdominal cramps or pain, fever, blood or mucus in the stool, bloating, dehydration, poor nutrition and weight loss.

There are many conditions may cause chronic diarrhea. For example, Persistent infection of viruses, bacteria or parasites, antibiotics use, lactose intolerance, artificial sweeteners, chronic inflammation of small or large intestine Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and Celiac disease).

Dr Jessica Williams, MD

Dr Jessica Williams, MD

There are many different treatment approaches for chronic diarrhea based on their specific cause for each individual patient. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon that the cause of the chronic diarrhea could not be identified for some of the patients by current test and diagnostic procedures. These patients then were given a diagnosis of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). In other words, the diagnosis of IBS is a diagnosis of exclusion. There is no specific test for diagnosing IBS. If we could not find any objective abnormalities by conventional medicine testing or procedures, and you have chronic diarrhea, then you have IBS.

There is no specific treatment with conventional medicine for IBS. There are medications for symptoms management, such as Lotronex, Eluxadoline, Rifaximin, Lubiprostone, and Linaclotide. However, these medications do not always work well. So, many patients with IBS end up experience long term persistent diarrhea which results in chronic fatigue, weight loss, poor nutrition and poor quality of life.

To help these patients, we have developed an integrative approach based on ancient Chinese Medicine and modern Functional Medicine. This approach enable us to identify the root of the chronic diarrhea and provide an unique treatment to restore the normal function of the gastrointestinal system.