Taking a Concierge Approach to Medicine

 Dr. Jessica Williams is a Medical doctor(MD) and an internist( a Medical doctor who is specialized in adult health/medical issues). Dr. Williams is not only specialized in evaluating and treating patients with conventional medicine, but she also has extensive experience in Traditional Chinese Medicines and Medical Acupuncture. She has studied extensively in Functional Medicine. Dr. Williams graduated from one of the best medical schools in China, Beijing Medical University. She finished her Neurology residency training at one of the teaching hospitals of the medical school. She earned her graduate degree in Neuroscience/Pharmacology from Hershey Medical Center of Pennsylvania State University. She finished her Internal Medicine residency at York Hospital and has been practicing in the Harrisburg area for more than 20 years. Dr. Williams will provide a unique approach to address your health/medical issues, incorporate principles of whole-body health from Functional Medicine perspective with Nutritional, Lifestyle, Environmental, Conventional, and Chinese Medicine evaluation and options of treatments.

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 Combining Eastern and Western Medicine

Eastern Chinese Medicine

Chinese medicine takes a holistic approach to medicine with focus on rebalancing and supporting the body to improve and heal itself. Chinese Medicine is a personalized medicine with individualized treatment based on each patient's different pattern of etiology( cause of an illness). Chineses Medicine treats the root/cause and the symptoms of an illness. The prevention of the recurrence of the illness is within the treatment itself. Chinese Medicine is much better equipped in treating chronic internal medical conditions than conventional medicine. However, Chinese Medicine also has its limitations. It does not have the capacity for rescuing severe trauma patients, performing complicated surgery or creating safe and effective vaccines.

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Western Conventional Medicine

Western conventional medicine has a disease specific approach to medicine. It has made tremendous advances with modern technology in so many fields of specialties in the last several decades. It has saved countless lives and improved quality of life for so many people. Unfortunately, Its approach lacks individualization. It often focuses more on relief symptoms with medications for common medical problems due to lack of specific treatments for those conditions, such as common cold, fibromyalgia and irritable bowel syndrome. Its focus on a particular disease often neglects the support for the patient's overall health, such as chemotherapy for the cancer.

 Neither Eastern (Chinese) or Western (Conventional) medicine is better than the other. Both have their strengths and weaknesses when working with patients. At Integrated Personalized Medicine (IPM) , Dr. Williams brings both worlds together employing the strengths of each to bring about healing. Our practice focus is helping people suffering from intractable chronic illness. We work in conjunction with your Primary Care Physician.