What is Gastroesophageal Reflex Disorder (GERD)?

GERD id a chronic medical condition. It occurs when stomach acid frequently flows back into esophagus. This backflow can irritate the lining of the esophagus. This acid reflux may also lead various discomfort symptoms and could cause serious problems over time.


People with GERD may have chronic cough, chronic laryngitis, disrupted sleep, heartburn and regurgitation of food or sour liquid. The medical conditions such as Obesity, hiatal hernia, delayed stomach emptying may increase the rick for GERD. Many unhealthy behaviors also worsen or triggers GERD, such as smoking, drinking alcohol or too much coffee or eating fatty food or large meal.

Chronic GRED may lead to a condition called” Barrett’s esophagus, a precancerous change of esophagus, open sore or narrowing of esophagus which may result in swallowing difficulty.

There are various diagnostic procedures to confirm the diagnosis of GERD, including upper endoscopy, esophageal manometry and acid (PH) probe testing.

Conventional medicine treatments for GRED include over the counter and prescription medications, surgery or other procedures. Unfortunately, the medications for GERD will likely need to be taken for lifetime even when it works. For some, it just does not work. The recent studies have suggested that long time use of many of the medications for GERD may increase the risk for Dementia. There are risks involved with surgical procedures which may not work. For some patients, surgery is not an option. So, it is time to think about alternatives.

One of good option is Chinese herbal Medicine which has been practiced for thousands of years. It is a personalized, safe and effective treatment with Chinese herbal supplements. The most important thing is that Chinese Herbal Medicine treats the root of the GERD, not just symptoms. Each patient with GERD is treated differently based on her or his specific cause of GERD. So, there is no need for continued treatment once the cause of GERD is eliminated.

For more information on treatment for GERD with Chinese Herbal Medicine, please go to YourMDhealth.com.


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