Non-Healing Wounds

A non-healing wound is a wound that does not heal within five to eight weeks even though you have been following your doctor’s instruction to take care of it. This can be very serious. It can be infected and lead to a serious illness or even the loss of a limb. It also can be a constant source of pain and frustration.

There are many risk factors that could lead to a hard-to-wound, such as Diabetes, Anemia, immobility, smoking, a weak immune system, cancer or other long term medical condition.

Treatment for non-healing wound with conventional medicine include:

Topical wound medication and specialized dressing, debridement (removing unhealthy tissue), compression dressing, antibiotics, Hyperbaric oxygen therapy, ultrasound, negative pressure therapy.

Unfortunately, despite of all these treatment options, many people with non-healing wound still end up with the final option-----amputation surgery. An amputation of an arm or leg will drastically change one’s life for good. Your ability to manage your activities of daily living and to work and to enjoy life will be negatively affected. It will create significant difficult for you and your family.

To help these people to avoid a non-healing wound, thus, they do not have to face the potential devastating outcome of an amputation, we developed an integrative approach for treatment of chronic non-healing wound. By integrating functional and Chinese medicine, this approach provides a individualized care plan based on each person’s unique clinical presentation, nutritional / health status and genetic feature. It could provide an opportunity for you to not only get your wound healed, but also achieve a overall more healthier you.

Dr Jessica Williams, MD

Dr Jessica Williams, MD