Chronic Eczema/ Dermatitis 

Itching, thickened cracked scaly skin, sometimes with small raised bumps which may leak fluid and crust over when scratched, this is what the skin with chronic eczema/dermatitis looks like. The patients with this condition may also have red to brownish gray patches with raw, sensitive, swollen skin from scratch. I may also lead to infection of the skin and surrounding tissue. The itching of the chronic eczema is especially worse at night which significantly affect one’s sleep and quality of life. This is a chronic condition which tends to flare up intermittently.

Dr Jessica Williams, MD

Dr Jessica Williams, MD

There is No cure for atopic dermatitis /chronic eczema with conventional medicine.

To help these patients, we have developed a safe and effective treatment for the chronic eczema/atopic dermatitis. This treatment involves ancient wisdom and modern technology to provide a unique treatment. The goal of this treatment is to not only to get rid of the chronic itching, discomfort from affected skin and potential infection, prevent new outbreaks, but also improve the texture, beauty and health of patients’ skin.