
Osteoporosis or thinning bones can result in painful fracture. Risk factors for osteoporosis include aging, being female, low body weight, low sex hormones or menopause, smoking and medications. Medications for treatment of osteoporosis unfortunately have not been working well and come with significant risks, such as severe pain of joint, bones muscle, back or jaw or necrosis (death) of bones.  Evenity, a relative new medication approved by FDA in April 2019 is allowed for limited use for women w a history of osteoporotic fracture or multiple risk factors for fracture or those who have failed or intolerant to the osteoporosis therapies due to increased risk of heart attack, stroke and cardiovascular death.

Dr Jessica Williams, MD

Dr Jessica Williams, MD

Aside from getting enough calcium and Vitamin D and regular weight bear exercise, we need more help to restore our bone health. We also need to avoid the situation where patients develop the second or the third medical problems after taking the first medication for osteoporosis.  Combining functional and Chinese medicine, have developed an integrative approach for the treatment of osteoporosis based on my years of clinical experience working treating female patients. This approach provides an individualized treatment plan based on their unique health and nutritional status, severity of the condition, genetic feature, lifestyle and personal circumstance.