Crohn Disease

 Crohn Disease is a chronic non-specific transmural inflammatory disease that mostly affect the distal ileum and colon, but may affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to the anus. It is suspected to be an autoimmune disease. The patients with Crohn’s Disease often have chronic painful diarrhea, fever, weight loss, decreased appetite, right lower abdominal mass or fullness. Extracolonic complications include peripheral arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, sacroiliitis, posterior uveitis and other diseases.

Dr Jessica Williams, MD

Dr Jessica Williams, MD

There is no specific treatment for Crohn disease with conventional treatment. Chronic diarrhea and cramping are treated for symptomatic management. Antibiotics are given for bacterial complications, such as abscesses or infected fistulas. Cortico-steriods may be used for acute flare ups. Immunosuppressive agents may be needed for severe cases, which may increase the rick for secondary infection or even cancer. Surgery is considered for recurrent intestinal obstruction, intractable abscesses or fistulas.

To help the patients with Crohn disease, based my years of experience, we developed a unique integrative approach by combining functional and Chinese medicine. This approach provides the patients an opportunity to receive individualized integrative treatment based on their specific unique pattern of presentation, nutritional statue, genetic feature. It will greatly increase the chance of long term remission for patients.