New Patient Information

 Welcome New Patients

At Integrated Personalized Medicine, we understand how stressful it can be to work with a new facility. Here is what you need to know.


The Process

10 Minute Free Consultation


Contact us and schedule a time with Dr. Williams for an initial phone call. This will give you an opportunity to ask any questions about your medical condition. It also allows Dr. Williams to determined if our service is indicated for your medical condition.

The Questionnaire


We want to make your appointment time work efficiently for you. We recommend that you fill out the questionnaire prior to your scheduled appointment time. So, Dr. Williams will be able to review it prior to your appointment.




The payment for the initial session is due either before we meet or at the time of service. However, you are required to make a $85 deposit when we reserve your initial appointment. Because we do not offer the ability to take credit cards in our office, we suggest paying online if you prefer to use a credit card. Alternatively, you can bring cash or a check to pay at the time of service.

 New Patient Questionnaire

Payment Information Links

At IPM, we allow you to make your payment online.

You can make an Initial Appointment Deposit, followed by the balance due

or you can pay for the consultation in full


New Patient FAQs


Can Dr. Williams Help?

Dr. Jessica Williams is a Medical doctor(MD) and an internist (a Medical doctor who is specialized in adult health/medical issues). Dr. Williams is not only specialized in evaluating and treating patients with conventional medicine, but she also has extensive experience in Traditional Chinese Medicines and Medical Acupuncture. Dr. studied Functional Medicine Extensively.

Do you take insurance?

No. While you may be able to use insurance if there are diagnostic studies, such as blood work or ultrasound are required, (Please check with your health insurance plan for coverage prior to the diagnostic studies) IPM does not take insurance for an appointment. This allows us to take the time to listen, evaluate and work together to get you well. Insurance creates medical assembly line medicine and we would rather take the time and focus on you.

Is Eastern (Chinese) medicine safe?

Chinese medicine has been around for thousands of years. Its focus is on rebalancing a person energy to help the body to heal within. At IPM, we practice many Chinese Medicine techniques, such as Acupuncture, Chinese Herbal Medicine ( including patent Chinese herbal Formula) Gua Sha and Cupping that have been proven to safe and effective to improve and cure illnesses.


How do I know you can help?

Because each person is different, it takes an initial appointment and evaluation to make any kind of determination. The first appointment is usually a little over an hour long, when we listen to you, evaluate your condition and develop a personalized options of treatment plans for you, that could be a Chinese Medicine approach, or Functional Medicine one, whichever works best for you and your condition.

Herbs, Vitamins, and Pharmaceuticals

Traditional Chinese Medical philosophy is to working with your body to bring the heal from within. Dr. Williams makes the highest quality of Chinese Medicine herbal products available for you, which are used by the Chinese Medicine Clinic at the prestigious health care institution, Mayo Clinic. Dr. Williams also bring the information about most recommended brands of Vitamins and other nutritional supplements by nationally independent laboratory to you. You can then purchase them your self as a educated consumer. If specific drugs are needed, they can be prescribed as well.

How much time is needed?

We works with each patient, we are there to get you well. Many diseases have taken years to develop within the body so it may take some times to get it eliminated. At IPM, we work with you through it all and lay out an individualized game plan for each specific patient. For some patients, it may take two to three weeks, for others, it may take two to three months